[Archived] Hello, New Relic!

[Archived] Hello, New Relic!

Hello New Relic! is a series of hands-on labs, each consisting of a video walkthrough followed by written step-by-step instructions.

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About this course

"Hello New Relic" is no longer being maintained. It has been replaced with this new course. It is recommended that you exit this course and instead opt for the one.


Hello New Relic! is a series of hands-on labs, each consisting of a video walkthrough followed by written step-by-step instructions.

Instrumenting with Agents - When you’re done, you’ll have a fully instrumented and functional food ordering app on glitch.com, a free online IDE that automatically deploys. This is a prerequisite for the following labs.

Explore Your Data with NRQL - You’ll use NRQL to query your application data and build dashboards. When you’re done, you’ll have a dashboard to help you explore the performance of your app.

Custom Instrumentation - You’ll monitor and build custom dashboards around customer and business data.

Alerting Best Practices - You’ll use NRQL to create an SLO dashboard and alert conditions which will let you know when critical business functions are going wrong.

True Availability Using Synthetics - You’ll use New Relic Synthetics to make a scripted browser monitor which verifies the critical user flow of creating a food order.

About this course

"Hello New Relic" is no longer being maintained. It has been replaced with this new course. It is recommended that you exit this course and instead opt for the one.


Hello New Relic! is a series of hands-on labs, each consisting of a video walkthrough followed by written step-by-step instructions.

Instrumenting with Agents - When you’re done, you’ll have a fully instrumented and functional food ordering app on glitch.com, a free online IDE that automatically deploys. This is a prerequisite for the following labs.

Explore Your Data with NRQL - You’ll use NRQL to query your application data and build dashboards. When you’re done, you’ll have a dashboard to help you explore the performance of your app.

Custom Instrumentation - You’ll monitor and build custom dashboards around customer and business data.

Alerting Best Practices - You’ll use NRQL to create an SLO dashboard and alert conditions which will let you know when critical business functions are going wrong.

True Availability Using Synthetics - You’ll use New Relic Synthetics to make a scripted browser monitor which verifies the critical user flow of creating a food order.